Kodak's Profile
Discord Name: Roman "RoGaR" Gášpár#6726

Kodak's Current State Military Career

Current State Military Career Hours:
Date Total Time First Pilot Cplt AC Spc Crew (RIO) Night Arr T&G Bltr FCL Sea/
Cat Inst Num
CAREER TOTALS: 130.2 79 0 131.3 1.2 30.2 88 40 5 6 40 76 22
LAST 30 DAYS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Current State Military Career Kills by Class:
Kills in the 2.0 era
(NOTE: The 2.0 era began in cycle number 21-2, four cycles after the inaugural cycle. Kills recorded prior to 2.0 are not included here.)
Fixed Wing Fighters Unarmed Fighters Attack Helos Unarmed Helos Unarmed Ground Vehicles Lightly-Armed Ground Vehicles Heavily-Armed Ground Vehicles Static Targets Unarmed Ships Armed Ships
4 0 0 0 16 1 7 6 0 1