The State Military
Feel free to take a self-guided tour.
If you're still a civilian, you can apply at the bottom.
Recruitment is currently closed
*24/7, Private, Dedicated Server (The State Military)
THE "FINE PRINT": The State Military is feature-complete and presented unapologetically, as-is, to qualifying pilots on a take-it or leave-it basis. Policy, features, structure, design etc. are not available for negotiation and participation in The State Military does not come with a vote to change it. That said, Poe reserves the right to continue to tweak and polish the finer points within The State, including its military pillar, as required, with the addition of new aircraft (and resutling squadrons/wings), available maps, impactful new until types—both blue and red—and to address bugs. Should The State Military's intentionally-in-built width, depth and additional role opportunties, at any time, become ultimately unfulfilling of a pilot's milsim needs, without any hard feelings and respectfully, the proper course of action is to seek out another of many fine milsim opportunties present across the DCS community.
Thanks for understanding.
- Poe
The State Military is currently at Work-ups
Work-ups end in 27 days. The State Military will then begin transitioning to COMPTUEX.
Pre-Application Materials